New iPhone App Rids Stress While You Are Stuck In Traffic, Before Bed & While At Work!

      How many times do you get yourself wound up before bed not able to sleep or stressed out while you're stuck in traffic? Wouldn't it nice to stay completely stress free in a stress filled environment?

      The new Anti-Stress Breathing Biofeedback app may be the tool you really need.

      Interestingly, during stress your inhalation (breathing in) will always be twice as long as your exhalation (breathing out). And breathing out is the part that is supposed to relax you.

      Your nervous system, the one that is stuck in "flight or fight will respond well to a uniquely timed pattern of breathing by turning off stress signals to your brain. Scientific research has shown the stress part of your body responds optimally to the rhythm of 5 evenly timed breaths per minute.

      The anti-stress biofeedback tool trains your body to breathe correctly with the gentle sounds of ocean waves. Simply breathe slowing in for 5 seconds with a 1 second pause and then out for 5 seconds with another 1 second pause for 10-15 minutes a day and let your body be fully chilled out.

      At first this will feel awkward, but within a few minutes you will notice a gentle calming over your entire body. Over time, despite experiencing mental stress, your physical body will stay calm. This will not only protect your health, but assists in reducing the excessive anxiety and racing thoughts that stressed out people experienced.

      One of the damaging effects of stress is the restriction of oxygen into your heart; this is why slow exercise like walking or yoga is so beneficial. The problem with higher intensity exercise is the added stress without the added oxygen - this exercise is called anaerobic (meaning without oxygen). Using this simple app for 10 minutes a day can create the same effects as a 30 minute workout at the gym because it is triggers virtually no stress and all oxygen.