Two of the Best iPhone Fitness Apps That I Have Discovered That Help Me Keep Fit and Lose Weight

Keeping fit and healthy you need all the help you can get.
And sometimes it's just right in front of your nose or at least on your iPhone.
Ever since I purchased my iPhone I found so many health and fitness apps it was overwhelming.

Iphone Burn:
I tried various applications and narrowed down to the ones that I find the most effective that helps to maintain my weight and progress in my workouts.

Not all are just physical workout apps there are some which assist on deeper level ( that's another article) but it all goes towards becoming healthier.
Iphone Burn:
Most of the free apps were good enough to use on their own but I did purchase some that gave more features that were useful.

Iphone Burn:
I love Tabata training some call it interval training but it kicks butt in increasing fitness levels.
Tabata training is where you choose a number of exercises for a circuit.

On the first exercise start and finish in 20 seconds, 10 second rest and repeat 8 times.

Tabata Free App by GymBoss
To help with indicating when my intervals start and stop I use the GymBoss app.
You can create your own timing interval or use the standard timers that come with it.

The default timers are the standard 20/10 x 8 Tabata routine or you could use the standard Hiit ( High Intensity Interval training) timers like 30 on / 30 off ( also 6/9 and 60/60).

Iphone Burn:
The screen changes color during each interval change so you don't need to watch the clock so carefully, it also comes with a beeper to indicate change.

It reminds you when to jog and when to sprint.
Its easy to learn how to create your own Tabata Hiit Routines anywhere, any time.

The Beep Test Free App by Bleeptest Pro
The beep is a multistage shuttle run test.
You essentially run between two 20 metre markers, but the "beep" gets faster and faster as you become more fatigued.

Iphone Burn:
It was designed to measure a person's aerobic condition.
It is used by the military, police force, football, rugby teams etc as a fitness test. You need to pass the specified levels to commence or continue in the service or sporting game.

Examples: Premier League Football a pass is level 13 and for the Police Force it is level 10.
This App has standard tests for the UK coaching and police and Defence force entry and Sports commission standards.

Iphone Burn:
So its very handy if you are intending on entering into any of these or similar occupations as you will have to do this test.

But I use it measure my fitness every month to see if I'm improving but of course it can be used as a basis for a workout but I bet you wont do it too often, its not fun.

Find these two iPhone Apps and try them out if you like.
The big plus is when I travel for work or on holidays I can now I train anytime and it helps guide my training.
I guarantee they will help towards increasing your fitness.